Dodaj u paketu
Powerslide Zoom Pro 80 freeskateovi imaju stvarno dobar omjer cijene i performansi. Ako tražite okretne i upravljive role za slalom i urbani freeskating, ove role bi mogle biti za vas. Na ovim Powerslide freeskateovima pronaći ćete tvrdu čizmu. Dakle, ako tražite dobar prijenos snage i potporu, konstrukcija tvrde čizme će vam to pružiti. Powerslide Zoom Pro 80 su male veličine. Stoga preporučujemo odabir jedne veličine veće od vaše uobičajene veličine cipela.
- Visoki ovratnik pruža maksimalnu potporu gležnju za stabilizaciju i smanjenje umora mišića
- Aluminijski okvir nudi izravne karakteristike upravljanja dok je izuzetno lagan
- Powerstrap zatvaranje kako bi se izbjeglo podizanje pete s dodatnim remenom preko rista za sigurno pristajanje i dodatnu kontrolu
- Kotači od 80 mm s tvrdoćom od 85A za izuzetno odzivnu i razigranu vožnju
- Trinity montažni sustav za optimizaciju ravnoteže i kontrole jer kotače približava čizmi što je više moguće
- Ulošci koji su anatomski oblikovani i dizajnirani s rastezljivim područjem za prste.
- Kočnica nije uključena
Zapamtite provjeriti vijke prije prve uporabe i zategnuti ih ako je potrebno. Također imajte na umu da morate redovito provjeravati stanje vijaka nakon toga.
Napomena: Remen/petlja na stražnjoj strani čizme služi za nošenje rola i nije namijenjena za povlačenje kada obuvate role.
Kompatibilni dijelovi
Pronađite proizvode kompatibilne s Powerslide Zoom Pro 80 Freeskates:

recenzije (75)
"My 12 years old daughter couldn't wait to get these out of the box. Skates are well built, comfortable, supportive, roll smooth and easy to balance. Feels really good around the ankles and calf area. There was no rubbing, discomfort or soreness after a long period of use. Her shoe size is US 8 women's, we bought the 7-7.5 and they fit perfectly." | |
Igor K. (San Diego) | 08/02/22 |
"I ordered these skates but they showed up defective, the 45 strap on the right skate had some stripped teeth right out of the box. I don't know if it was a factory defect of if I'd been sent a pair of skates that had been damaged/returned by somebody else? I ended up ordering some straps from another company (skatepro refunded me the money), but I still haven't received those, so I've yet to be able to skate in these. This whole thing has just left a bad taste in my mouth, hopefully the skates aren't terrible once I actually get to use them...." | |
steve swain (Hardin) | 19/01/22 |
Odgovor od SkatePro: Thank you very much for your review! I do understand your frustration. Hopefully you received the straps eventually. When we were investigating the matter, you informed us of buying straps from another company. As the error on the skate would have been covered under the warranty, we of course refunded you for the amount you paid for the straps you bought somewhere else. Of course, it was in the first place our responsibility to make this work for you. Unfortunately, due to the Holiday season, we could not get to you right away with the solution we also had to discuss with the supplier. You will receive a personal email from me, to find out if everything is set now or if there is more we can do for you. // Doreen |
"These are some pretty good skates. They do have some noise to them when you first try them out but I’m sure after breaking them in it won’t be a problem. Overall, I’m very happy with my order!" | |
John R. (Torrance) | 10/11/21 |
"Alright so, these skates are really good! I've enjoyed them for the past 2 weeks, but I feel like I'd be enjoying them more... if they were the right size. When I ordered these a few weeks ago, the listing said something along the lines of, "Ordering a size up is recommended" and I did just that. I thought it felt a bit loose and size 10.5s weren't listed back then so I just assumed that's how they're supposed to feel. But after several sessions of what sort of felt like clumsy skating, I found that they were indeed too big. Which is unfortunate because I really love these skates. The 4 isn't really docking the skates themselves, more like the misinformation that was very recently updated. I'll probably end up selling my pair to someone with a bigger foot size and buy these again because for what it's worth, they're damn good. We'll see!" | |
Aaron A. (San Diego) | 01/09/21 |
"beginner level, love it so far. There is a unusual pinch on the right skate near arch and toe area. Turns out the under sole between the inner and outer boot was installed up side down (just on right skate). QC may have over looked. The letter "My Fit" on the sole pad should face down. If the skate doesn't fit at first try, pull the boot out and have a look. Skate Pro ship item very quickly it's just the shipment take very long due to COVID." | |
C. Wong (Toronto) | 22/05/21 |
"Awesome company" | |
"Nice and I can say 5 stars quality" | |
marius iute (york) | 06/01/21 |
"Great product, high quality!!! Shipping was very fast. Go to SkatePro!" | |
Rommel Nuque (Woodbury) | 30/12/20 |
"Skates were exactly as advertised; shipping was way faster than expected to US." | |
Ryan Tenga (Apex) | 28/12/20 |
"These skates are great. Had a couple pressure points, but they went away after heat molding the liner. The speed and agility are really good, but I switched to a 4x90 for better cruising with my wife and daughter. Gotta love the trinity mount, makes changing frames super easy. Only negative point is the laces are kind of short, but it doesn't bother me enough to lose a star." | |
DOMINIC APANA (San Jose) | 11/11/20 |
"As an intermediate skater, I wanted something versatile and to be comfy and supportive. These skates let me do all of it. I can do jumps and tricks and are pretty fast. Highly recommend for the price. I got them on sale for 150$." | |
Victoria P. (Golden) | 29/10/20 |
"I love it! It does fit good, but decent. However, those boots has very few scratches, and yet its still look like a brand new." | |
N. NGUYEN (SANTA ANA) | 28/10/20 |
"Works well. Fits" | |
Heather King (Oakland) | 07/10/20 |
"Nice skates for beginners." | |
Dmytro M. (Ipswich) | 29/09/20 |